1. What is Radon ?

Radon is an odourless and colourless naturally occurring gas.

2 Should I worry about Radon ?

A property is recommended not to have an excess of Radon gas within the environment as it can lead to long term illness and even cancers and other fatal diseases.

3 Where am I likely to find Radon ?

Inside your home or workplace, especially if you live in an older home with no damp proof course and or poor ventilation. It accumulates inside the property, which is when it is most harmful. Outside, the concentration is too low to be hazardous to health.

4 How do I know whether the property I am in has Radon ?

Quite simply, without testing, you don’t.

5 How do I test for Radon ?

The best way of testing for Radon is by using small testing units that can be obtained by post from the National Radiological Protection Board. They must be in situ for at least three months for the result to be reliable.

6 If I have Radon in my home, what can I do about it ?

The most effective way to deal with radon is to fit a ‘radon sump’ to a property to vent the gas into the atmosphere. It has a pipe connecting a space under a solid floor to the outside. A small electric fan in the pipe sucks the gases heavier than air (like radon) from the sump and vents it harmlessly to the atmosphere. Modern sumps are often constructed from outside the house so there is no disruption inside.

7 How much is this likely to cost me ?

The test units currently cost less than £40 (inc VAT) which comprises 2 units and all instructions and return postage. The report will be sent back to you within a week following the test. If a radon sump is required, the apparatus can typically cost less than £1000, dependent upon the type of installation and property. However, you may qualify for a grant from your local Council or Environmental Health Dept, and DIY fitting is possible to reduce the cost.

8 Are there special laws about Radon ?

As regards existing buildings, there is no retrospective legislation in relation to an owner occupier. A new building or new building works must comply with the building regulations and these now have radon barriers and membranes to prevent the presence of Radon being a problem in a new build or building

9 Who sets the standards for the consideration and management of Radon in the UK ?

The National Radiological Protection Board who carried out the original research became part of the Health Protection Agency in 2005.

10 Where can I find out more information about Radon ?

The Health Protection Agency
Tel: 01235 822 670
Fax: 01235 822 650
E mail: opd@hpa.org.uk