We are all feeling the squeeze from rising energy bills. Many people will be feeling the squeeze from rising energy bills right now, leading to households up and down the country searching for ways to bring down the cost they pay out each month on electricity, gas and more.When looking at electricity, the most obvious way of dropping the pennies and pounds you spend is by switching off unneeded appliances and ensuring devices around the home are not just left on standby.

This may already be a habit you instil in your household but you still want further ways to make your home more efficient in terms of electricity usage.

We have done the hard work for you and accumulated a few tips on how to drop those electricity bills.

Consider your clothes washing routine, washing clothes uses an exorbitant amount of electricity. Take into consideration whether you can cut down on the number of times you use the washing machine on a weekly basis by ensuring you only put on full loads and begin investigating ‘eco-friendly’ settings on your respective machine.

You can also save electricity by avoiding using the tumble dryer, where possible.

Despite taking a bit of extra time, a drying rack can save you a lot of money and if you plan your washing correctly, then you will not be left short.

Kitchen savings… …Some appliances use more electricity than you may release, such as the kettle. Whether settling down for a warm brew at the end of a long and hard day, or flicking on the kettle when your in-laws are on their way over, many of us use a kettle daily.

However, by boiling more water than you need, you will end up using more power, so make sure you note the notches on the side of most kettles to only heat what you need.

The dishwasher is also a power-intensive appliance, so if you use one, make sure it is full of dirty dishes before switching on.

We work with consultants in Rugby and Lutterworth who can help reduce your PERSONAL AND  BUSINESS property bills, so if you want a free, no hassle chat, just contact me!

#costoflivingcrisis #savingmoney #energybills