You’ve got a Friend in Me… …Celebrate International Day of Friendship with your best ones. Friendships help our lives have purpose and meaning. Research has shown that having strong friendships can allow us to live longer, be happier and lead healthier lives. When you are younger, your family are your first port of call for advice and care.
As we grow older, we come to realise the importance of having bonds outside of the family unit. An outside perspective or even just a kind ear to vent to can be all we need. In 2011, the UN General Assembly proclaimed July 30th as The International Day of Friendship to remind ourselves that friendships between people, cultures and countries can inspire peace and build community links. This initiative follows on the proposal made by UNESCO defining ‘Culture of Peace’ as a set of values which promotes communication and understanding and rejects violence when solving problems.
Do your bit by celebrating your own friendships on this day. Why not make or send a small gift to a close friend or call an out-of-touch friend and rekindle your friendship? Hearing a familiar voice is sure to make your friend smile. Or simply find time in your day to let a friend know you’re thinking of them. Make plans to meet up in the future or have a chat about fun shared experiences.
If you’re super organised, arrange in advance to meet-up on this day. Created shared memories together is one of the best ways to cement a friendship. If you’re settling in, why not watch a movie guaranteed to make you feel good and remind you of the power of friendship? You could try: The African Queen, Circle of Friends, Thelma and Louise or the classic TV show Friends.
Friendship is not an indulgence, it’s as important to your health as eating well or exercising so make time for it in your schedule and look forward to those ‘meetings’ without guilt.